Harvard Class
of 2001

Catch up on what you missed!


Check out the Reunion tab for an overview of some of the panels and sessions held during our twentieth reunion, as well as the recordings

Katie McDonnell, Sterling Darling and Richard Freed at Harvard Alumni Day 2024. Hope to see more of you next year! Bowties not required . . .

Listen up.

Tune into the Harvard ‘01 Spotify List. Add your own college memories.

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Our 20th reunion is in the books . . . so maybe you have time to read some

Check out the upcoming book club meeting on the Events tab

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Have an idea? Help to plan our next event!

Our ability to gather virtually and reconnect with classmates has been demonstrated during the pandemic. We’d love your help in continuing the reunion spirit! Let us know your idea and how we can help.


Stay connected!


Follow the Harvard Class of 2001 on Facebook and update your contact information with HAA